Friday, March 22, 2013

Rock Star Ice Skating Party

What do you get when you have a soon-to-be, 8-year-old daughter who loves music and ice skating?  
A rock star ice skating birthday party!
I was teenager in the 80's (I turned 13 in 1981), so, "rock star" to me invokes visions of zebra stripes (which is clearly on trend and can be found on everything everywhere) and bright colors, which I realize is more "pop" than "rock" but such was my world.  Ice skating was never my strong suit as a kid (my favorite part was having multi-colored, pom-poms on the toes of my skates), but my friends and I loved going to the Roxy and shakin' our groove-thing to Sister Sledge (video), Anita Ward (video) and Donna Summer (video) on our neon-colored wheels with glitter laces.  But I digress....
My daughter loves skating on metal blades and gettin' down to great tunes, so she and her friends took to the ice at Paquette Arena at Leddy Park, and partied like rock stars!

Have you had or are you planning to have an ice skating or rock star party?
I'd love to hear about it!
Until then, PARTY ON! (video)

Party Game:
Divide the kids into teams, each team will have a writer.
The teams have a certain amount of time to see how many words they can create out of the letters in the banner.
At the end of the allotted time, the team will read aloud their words.
Each team will cross off words that are also on their list.
The team with the most words left on their list gets bragging rights.
Everyone gets a prize.  In this case: chap stick!



What We Wore

Credits & Sources:

For a LOT more rock star or ice skating party ideas, 
check out my Pinterest boards!